Curves and curls of the drawstring detail spans the collection as we highlight flounced fabric alongside ruched textures, all while mindfully making purposefulness present in every piece.

Our secondary release aims to take a step higher towards multiple-way tops— a graceful emphasis on versatility, drawing you closer to conscious convertible clothing.

1. Message us through Instagram DM with the following details: Item Name, Size, & Color (e.g. Talya Crop, S-M, Abaca Beige)

2. After we've confirmed availability/pre-order, kindly send us the following details:

✓ Name
✓ Address
✓ Contact Number
✓ Email

Afterwards, a message containing your order invoice will be sent.

3. After sending your proof of payment to our message thread, you will be notified by our team on the processing details of your Pare Mare puchase.

Páre Máre introduces conscious convertible clothing into the scene. Designing clothes that are adaptable and wearable in many ways— giving more value to your garments. We're creating minimal designs, yet maximizing versatility for fewer, more purposeful pieces.

© Pare Mare. All rights reserved.